With the convenience of a paint roller comes the inconvenience of having to keep it clean. While the tried and true method of running a paint roller through flowing tap water is a quick and easy solution, it often leaves undesirable results, such as old paint residue mixing in with a fresh, new coat, distorting colors and shortening the overall life of the roller with subsequent coats. Thankfully, the experts at SpinOut USA have created a paint roller cleaner that eliminates these issues, and is simple to use.
SpinOut's paint roller cleaner is a small device that has made a large impact nationwide. Instead of constantly rinsing out your paint roller with minimal results, SpinOut's paint roller cleaner completely rinses and cleans out your paint roller in less than 30 seconds, leaving you with a spotless paint roller for you to use for your next coat. No more tedious rinsing or ruined colors on paint coats. Simply attach it to any home faucet or garden hose, run the water, and in seconds you're ready to go.
SpinOut offers it's amazing paint roller cleaner for only $22.95. In time, the device pays for itself because you'll be saving money on your own or your clients water bill, as you'll drastically reduce the amount of water you will need to clean your rollers for one full day or several days of painting. Visit Spinout USA for more info, and order today!
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